Veronika Zonabend: “This project will serve for the new perception of Armenia” -


Veronika Zonabend: “This project will serve for the new perception of Armenia”

Veronika Zonabend
Veronika Zonabend

Photo: Alexandr Gusov/RVVZ


Mediamax’s exclusive interview with Co-Founder of RVVZ and IDeA Foundations Veronika Zonabend


- IDeA and RVVZ Foundations have acted as the sponsors of Armenia’s national pavilion, Armenity, which was awarded “Golden Lion” – the grand prize of the Venice Biennale. How was the decision to support this project made?


- One of the key areas of our work is the preservation of the Armenian cultural heritage. We believe that culture, education and development of social entrepreneurship are the elements that will help Armenia shift from the survival mode to the prosperity mode.


Besides, 2015 is special for Armenians as it marked the centenary of the Armenian Genocide, and with regard to it, Armenia has engrossed the utmost attention of the international community and mainstream media. We considered this a good opportunity for the commendable introduction of Armenia in terms of contemporary art and thus made the decision to become one of the sponsors of Armenity pavilion. It also served us an excellent chance to tell the professionals of the world of art, curators and painters about our new initiative, Dilijan Art Initiative, and thereby draw their attention to Armenia.

Ruben Vardanyan and Vladimir Pozner Ruben Vardanyan and Vladimir Pozner

Photo: Alexandr Gusov/RVVZ

- The motto of 2015 Venice Biennale was “All the World's Future.” How did the Armenian pavilion fit into the notion of this future?


- First of all, it should be recalled that San Lazzaro degli Armeni is one of world’s largest centers of Armenian culture. Since the 18th century, it has been housing the monastery of the Mechitarist Order. The Armenian pavilion was opened on exactly that territory. Venice is multinational but not every “non-indigenous” nation can afford the luxury to occupy an entire island for its exposition – the pavilions of the rest of countries have the size of a building. This fact won more attention to the pavilion.


The significance of San Lazzaro degli Armeni as well as the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem changed as time elapsed. Something got forgotten, and now it’s high time we and the entire world be reminded of it.


Another distinguishing feature of the Armenian pavilion is the harmonious combination of the old and new. In my opinion, the contemporary art exposition perfectly aligned with the context of cultural heritage. We were yearning for victory, but I can’t say we did not expect it. We should give the due to curator of the Armenian pavilion Adelina Cuberyan von Furstenberg and her team – they did an excellent work. They managed to not only bring together highly interesting painters but to also to engage in the project such reputable donors as Larry Gagosian, who despite his Armenian origins had never taken part in Armenian projects.

Vadim Grigoryan and Veronika Zonabend Vadim Grigoryan and Veronika Zonabend

Photo: Alexandr Gusov/RVVZ

- What goal does Dilijan Art Initiative pursue?


- As already said, the presentation of Dilijan Art Initiative in Venice aimed to draw attention to Armenia in general and to Dilijan in particular. This initiative was designed to become a basis for the cultural development of Dilijan and Armenia as a whole. Its mission is to help Dilijan convert into a center of culture and education and promote global mutual understanding through various artistic tools, studies and debates among progressive intellectuals and opinion leaders around the world. The origins of this project lie in the Armenian culture glorifying the harmony of nature and the written word.


Its main element is the library in its new perception. It’s a concentration of knowledge accumulated by many generations. We already have a certain base by way of UWC Dilijan College, a platform for intercultural dialog. The launch of the project is set for 2017, but we will probably carry out certain initiatives prior to that.


Vadim Grigorian, Marketing Director of Creativity and Luxury at Pernod Ricard, is the art curator of the project. We believe Dilijan Art Initiative will have great significance for the perception of the place Armenia and Armenians hold in the world in terms of contemporary art. It’s a flashback without the victim’s constituent and is an attempt to look to the future with a novel understanding of the prospects; it’s an attempt to tell about our history in a way as to make it sound interesting for others.


- 14th Istanbul Biennial will be held from September 5 to November 1 this year, and both IDeA and RVVZ will again support the Armenian participants. Could you tell us about the details of this major contemporary art exhibition in Istanbul and what difference will it make in terms of the Armenian Genocide Centennial?


- The Istanbul Biennial is not built as the Venice Biennale, which is the oldest and most imposing forum of world art in its scope. At Venice Biennale, participating countries present themselves through their art. The Istanbul Biennial emerged much later and features another concept – the main elements here are not the curators of the national pavilions, but the painters and their works united by a common thread.

Adelina Cuberyan von Furstenberg Adelina Cuberyan von Furstenberg

Photo: Alexandr Gusov/RVVZ

This year’s theme is “SALTWATER: A Theory of Thought Forms.” The waves of the Bosphorus symbolically “rhyme” with the waves, currents and whirlpools of the history of mankind. According to curator of the Biennial Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, who joined us in the presentation of Dilijan Art Initiative in Venice, the key theme of the contemporary art exhibition in Turkey in 2015 is the theme of Armenians portrayed through the works of historic heritage and contemporary painters.

Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev

Photo: Alexandr Gusov/RVVZ

Many famous painters interpreted 1915 differently. For example, Francis Alys who lives and works in Mexico did it through a short-length video typical of him. Among the participants of the Istanbul Biennial, there are people who presented their works in the Armenian pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Turkish painter of Armenian descent Sarkis who works in France is one of them.


One of the elements of our participation in the Istanbul Biennial will be awarding the young painters and granting them an opportunity to be published in prestigious catalogues. The award ceremony will be held in Dilijan in 2016.


Aram Araratyan talked to Veronika Zonabend


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