Patch Adams: We’re here to love the Armenian people -


Patch Adams: We’re here to love the Armenian people

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Photo: Mediamax

Doctor, clown and founder of hospital clowning Patch Adams (Hunter Doherty Adams) has arrived in Armenia today. During the one-week visit organized by the Initiatives for Development of Armenia (IDeA) Foundation, Patch Adams together with hospital clowns will visit children’s homes and hospitals in Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor and Dilijan.


He will deliver lectures at the Yerevan M. Heratsi State Medical University and American University of Armenia. Before the events, the clown doctor met with journalists in Yerevan today. He told about clown care, his great love to people and formula for living without suffering.


“We’re here to love the Armenian people. Of course, we’ll meet people who suffer most of all. And I want to be with those who suffer. I’m not much interested in sights. The first thing I ask while going to the hospital, is: “Who’s suffering most of all, whose condition is the worst?” Not that I think I know how to help them. I’m just not afraid of stand by them. Helping someone is a wonderful feeling”, said Patch Adams.


Ocean of gratitude


I’ll turn 70 in 2 weeks. When I was 18, I decided that I won’t have a tough day any more. It’s already 52 years that I haven’t had a single bad day. I’ve thrown myself in the ocean of gratitude and haven’t managed to get out of it so far. I’m a self-made man. In the life of every person there comes a moment when he decides who he wants to become.

Photo: Mediamax

I’m an intellectual: I’ve got 40 thousand books in my library. I haven’t watched TV for years. It’s because of TV that stupid people live my country now. Nowadays, complaining has become common all over the world - celebrating is no longer common. All the news is about negative things which causes depression among people.


Not a single literature I’ve read mentions the way how we, the humanity, will survive till the end of this century. For instance, I will do my best to love.


“Patch Adams” movie


I lived with Robin Williams for 10 days.  He came to see my performances. I spent a lot of time in his mobile carriage. He was an extreme introvert while I am an extreme extravert.


I’m sorry for not being the film. I was disappointed at first. It was a failure as a film which doesn’t touch upon peace and justice is not at all about me. The planet is now so starving for love and care that such a primitive film could have a great impact. Films propagandizing love are now rare.


Women and men


In the history of mankind, the greater share of love came from women. Irrespective of the fact how horrible men treated their women, they strongly loved their children.

Photo: Mediamax

85% of men are dangerous for women. Not a single women could argue it. Everything likeable in me I inherited from my mother. My father was a soldier. He died at war when I was 16. It was my mother who gave me love. Women are more inclined to love if they’re not hurt. But there are women who get hurt, suffer but still keep loving. They choose love.


Majority of people get nervous while talking about love. We should surrender to the things we love. Not having anything is hell. We don’t need fake things. Love has a healing power.




It’s already 48 years that I’ve held 4-hour interviews with thousands of patients. People are starving for love, security and joys of life. We all can do that. We should decide and do that. Children in the poorest countries of the world are happier than in the U.S.. Children are taken to sad schools - to be educated with sad rules.

Photo: Mediamax

There are sick children in the world who don’t have the money to get treated. I don’t have a solution. I just opened a free hospital to this end. The rich should get ashamed of themselves. There is one reason for being wealthy today - the reason is to give something to somebody, in principle. Everyone in the world should be ashamed that school teachers get less than sportsmen. A school teacher is the most important person of the culture of mankind. And nowadays, they get the lowest salary and are treated worst in the world. It’s stupid, isn’t it? The value underlying this system is money and power. Is there anyone to disagree with it?




Why isn’t love or feeling of love revolutionized? Now people are kept in fear, boredom and loneliness. Depression is not an illness - it’s been made up by pharmaceutical companies. Depression is a symptom of loneliness. The toughest thing for a person is not feeling love and not being loved. If you have a friend, you won’t be depressed. If you have a friend and still want to be depressive, you put your friend in a shelf, lock the door and then you plunge into depression. If you think about your friend and still feel depressive, then he’s not a friend. The same is true to God. Armenia is a Christian country. Being a Christian means loving Christ. How do I figure out a person is Christian? He’s not depressive as a rule. “Yes, I do believe in God”- these are no ordinary words. It’s the feeling of freedom. One can’t believe in God and be depressive. This is why people who are now in the government of my country want everyone to be depressed. Even if you have everything you may be depressed.

Photo: Mediamax

I’m a Christian with Christians, Buddhist with Buddhists, atheist with atheists and Muslim with Muslims.


The happy and unhappy


Maybe, only 5% of the world is happy. Don’t forget that being happy is a way of controlling the world. It’s no mere chance that the most beautiful thing in the world- love- is no more propagandized anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, not a single school teaches now how to love. The rulers of the world love the money and power more.

Photo: Mediamax

It’s hard to control and govern people who love- it’s much easier to control the unhappy. Joy is not profitable for business. There is not a single healthy place in the world now. But there is always a choice. Any country at any time can choose the change and become happy. I am not a pessimist - it’s never late to change.


Marie Taryan

Photos by Mariam Loretsyan


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