25% of polled Armenians would change their residence if possible - Mediamax.am


25% of polled Armenians would change their residence if possible

Photo: Photolure

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Trust toward the President (within 1-5 points scale) in Azerbaijan was rated 4.4, in Georgia - 3.7 and Armenia - 2.8.

The results of the annual research conducted by "Caucasus Research Resource Centers" (CRRC) program of Eurasia Partnership Foundation show this, Mediamax reports. 


Answering the question whether the politics of their countries is developing in right course, 14 % of the surveyed in Armenia said "yes", in Azerbaijan the same answer was given by the 32% of the surveyed and in Georgia - 47% of respondents.


According to the results of the research, the surveyed in Armenia most often mentioned unemployment (44%) and poverty (16%)  as the most urgent problem, in Azerbaijan - territorial integrity (31%) and only then unemployment (28%) and the unemployment was mentioned by 55% of the respondents in Georgia.


Over the past 12 months, 6 % of the surveyed in Armenia gave bribes to governmental structures, 27% - in Azerbaijan and the surveyed in Georgia claimed they hadn't given bribes.


Director of CRRC-Armenia Heghine Manasyan stated today that the migration moods are more vividly noted in Armenia: if having the chance to permanently in another country, 25% Armenians, 16% Azerbaijanis and 11% Georgians would leave their countries.


CRRC in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia has conducted research of annual data on the region since 2004.  The research was conducted among 6000 housewives in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in autumn 2011. Across the whole Armenia, adult members of 2300 households took part in the survey. The core questionnaire includes about 100 questions on demographic, social, political and economic development of the South Caucasus countries.


The base, questionnaire and details of the methodology of the research data are available on the CRRC-Armenia site at http://www.crrc.am/index.php/lo/14/164.


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