Ministry of Culture: Turkey is putting on the ritz, when speaking of Ani restoration -


Ministry of Culture: Turkey is putting on the ritz, when speaking of Ani restoration

Chief Cathedral of Ani
Chief Cathedral of Ani

Photo: Photolure

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Armenian Deputy Minister of Culture Arev Samuelyan said in an interview to Mediamax that while announcing the intention to restore and reestablish the Chief Cathedral of Ani and the Holy Savior Church, Turkey "is putting on the ritz for the international community”.

The Deputy Minister informed Mediamax that in April, Armenians specialists visited Ani and familiarized with the process of the “so-called restoration”.


“There is no project on Ani restoration. At least, our specialists did not see one. The Turkish side, of coursed, assures of the opposite, putting on the ritz for the international community”, Arev Samuelyan said.


Deputy Minister of Culture of Armenia did not rule out that the Turkish side prefers the method of conservation as to the issue of Ani restoration.


“Probably, such works will be realized but the main goal of Turkey is to attract attention, and this, of course, will positively influence tourism development”, she said.


Deputy Minister added that Armenia hopes for the support of the international organizations as to the issue of Ani restoration and participation of Armenian specialists in this process. Members of the Armenian delegation aim at raising this issue during June session of UNISCO World Heritage Committee.


According to the provision of UNESCO Convention on “Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage”, in case if the borders of the state do not coincide with its historic borders, the party, which plans reconstruction of the monuments, has to invite specialists of the given country.


Earlier Chairman of ICOMOS-Armenia (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Garik Gyurjyan said in an interview to Mediamax that according to the preliminary agreement with the Turkish “Anadolu Kultur” non-governmental organization, Armenian specialists were supposed to take part in Ani restoration works, however the Turkish Ministry of Culture was against it.

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