International School in Theoretical Physics launched in Yerevan -


International School in Theoretical Physics launched in Yerevan


Yerevan/Mediamax/. On July 2 International Summer School in Theoretical Physics was launched at National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia. About fifty Master/PhD students and postdocs from Armenia, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Brazil will attend the Summer School.

The lectures will be delivered by Professors from Crete University, Bonn University, Imperial College of London, Albert Einstein Institute of Potsdam.


The main goal of the Summer School in Theoretical Physics is to provide young scientists and students with the updates and ideas on mathematical and theoretical physics through the workshops and discussions. 


The organizers of this 4-day school are the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), the Armenian National Science and Education Fund (ANSEF), the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics acting under umbrella of UNESCO, and the “Regional Doctoral Program in Theoretical and Experimental Particle Physics” sponsored by Volkswagen Foundation.




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